- Microarrays for Microbial Community Analysis at a Glance
- Software Tools for the Selection of Oligonucleotide Probes for Microarrays
- Development and Evaluation of Functional Gene Arrays with GeoChip as an Example
- Microarray Data Analysis
- Microarray of 16S rRNA Gene Probes for Quantifying Population Differences Across Microbiome Samples
- GeoChip Applications in Bioremediation Studies
- GeoChip Applications for Analysing Soil and Water Microbial Communities in Oil-contaminated Sites
- GeoChip Analysis of Soil Microbial Community Responses to Global Change
- Soil Functional Gene Microarrays and Applications in Plant-Microbe Interactions
- Bioleaching Microarrays for Profiling Microbial Communities in Acid Mine Drainage and Bioleaching Ecosystems
- Applications of Phylogenetic Microarrays to Profiling of Human Microbiomes
- Microbial Diagnostic Microarrays for Detection and Typing of Water-borne Pathogens
- Broad Spectrum Viral and Bacterial Pathogen Detection by Microarrays
- Microarrays