Bacterial Membranes
- Bacterial Cell Wall Growth, Shape and Division
- The Outer Membrane of Gram-negative Bacteria: Lipopolysaccharide Biogenesis and Transport
- Outer Membrane Protein Biosynthesis: Transport and Incorporation of OM Proteins (in)to the OM bilayer
- Bacterial Lipoproteins; Biogenesis, Virulence/Pathogenicity and Trafficking
- The Fascinating Coat Surrounding Mycobacteria
- The Role Of Lipid Composition on Bacterial Membrane Protein Conformation and Function
- Bacterial ABC Transporters: Structure and Function
- Energy-coupled Transport Across the Outer-membrane of Gram-negative Bacteria
- The Permeability Barrier: Passive and Active Drug Passage Across Membranes
- Targeting and Integration of Bacterial Membrane Proteins
- Envelope Spanning Secretion Systems in Gram-negative Bacteria
- Signaling Mechanisms in Prokaryotes
- Outer-membrane-embedded and -associated Proteins and their Role in Adhesion and Pathogenesis
- Bacterial Membranes as Drug Targets
- Bacterial Membranes