- Legionnaires' Disease: History and Clinical Findings
- Diagnostics and Clinical Disease Treatment
- The Epidemiology of Legionnaires' Disease
- Developmental Cycle: Differentiation of Legionella pneumophila
- The Genetics and Immunology of Host Resistance to Legionella Infection
- The Flagellar Regulon of Legionella pneumophila and the Expression of Virulence Traits
- Genomics and Transcriptomics of Legionella pneumophila: Insights into the Life Style of an Intracellular Pathogen
- Secretion and Export in Legionella
- The Dot/Icm Type IVB Secretion System of Legionella
- Mechanisms of Intracellular Survival and Replication of Legionella pneumophila
- Nutrient Acquisition and Assimilation Strategies of Legionella pneumophila
- Dictyostelium, a Tractable Model Host Organism for Legionella
- Legionella