Flow Cytometry in Microbiology
- Microbial Flow Cytometry: Technology and Applications
- Microbial Cytometry: What It Was, Is, and May Be
- Non-Destructive On-Chip Imaging Cytometry Assay for Constructive On-Chip Cellomics Studies
- Application of Flow Cytometry to Environmental Biotechnology
- Flow Cytometry and Microbial Community Fingerprinting
- Application of Flow Cytometry to the Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria
- The Use of Flow Cytometry to Study Sporeforming Bacteria
- Flow Cytometry of Yeasts and Other Fungi
- The Application of Flow Cytometry to the Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentations
- Flow Cytometry for Rapid Microbiological Analysis of Drinking Water: From Science to Practice, an Unfinished Story
- Flow Cytometry in Microbiology