- Extremophiles and Biotechnology: How Far Have We Come?
- Ionizing Radiation Resistant Microorganisms
- Psychrophiles: Life in the Cold
- SM1: a Cold-loving Archaeon with Powerful Nano-grappling Hooks
- Enzyme Activities and Biotechnological Applications of Cold-active Microfungi
- Metabolic Diversity of Thermophilic Prokaryotes: What's New?
- Cellulolytic Microorganisms from Thermal Environments
- Extreme to the 4th Power! Oil-, High Temperature- , Salt- and Pressure - Tolerant Microorganisms in Oil Reservoirs. What Secrets Can They Reveal?
- Hyperthermophiles: Metabolic Diversity and Biotechnological Applications
- Microbiology of Piezophiles in Deep-sea Environments
- Physiological Adaptations and Biotechnological Applications of Acidophiles
- Extremophiles