Bacterial Viruses
- An Overview of Current Phage Therapy: Challenges for Implementation
- Phage Therapy: The Pharmacology of Antibacterial Viruses
- Human Gut Bacteriophages: Peacekeepers and Warriors at the Microbiota-Gut Interface
- Polish Contribution to the Advancement of Phage Treatment in Humans
- Commercial Products for Human Phage Therapy
- Application of Bacteriophages in Human Therapy: Recent Advances at the George Eliava Institute
- Considerations for Using Bacteriophages in Plant Pathosystems
- Phage Biocontrol Applications in Food Production and Processing
- Bacteriophage Therapy in Food Animals
- Bacteriophages in Aquaculture
- Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis: Are Mycobacteriophages the Answer?
- Phage Structural Antimicrobial Proteins
- Crystallographic Structure Determination of Bacteriophage Endolysins
- Peptidoglycan Hydrolases from Phages of Gram-positive Bacteria
- Developments and Opportunities of Bacteriophage Lytic Proteins for Therapeutics Against Gram-negative Pathogens
- Genetically Engineered Bacteriophages
- Bacteriophage Encapsulation Using Spray Drying for Phage Therapy
- Practical Issues in Setting Up and Maintaining a Collection of Therapeutic Bacteriophages: the Finnish Experience
- Commercialization of Phage Therapeutics: the Value of Intellectual Property and Patents
- Bacterial Viruses