Bacterial Evasion of the Host Immune System
- Secretion Systems Used by Bacteria to Subvert Host Functions
- Within-Host Envelope Remodelling and its Impact in Bacterial Pathogen Recognition
- Subversion of Macrophage Functions by Bacterial Protein Toxins and Effectors
- Manipulation of Autophagy by Bacterial Pathogens Impacts Host Immunity
- Inflammasome-dependent Mechanisms Involved in Sensing and Restriction of Bacterial Replication
- Molecular Mechanisms Used by Salmonella to Evade the Immune System
- Immune-evasion Strategies of Mycobacteria and Their Implications for the Protective Immune Response
- Role of Cyclic di-GMP in the Bacterial Virulence and Evasion of the Plant Immunity
- Bacterial Evasion of the Host Immune System